Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Elmo on US Open

hello everybody!

elmo thinks its time for elmo to make some nice noises on the WWW!

firstly, elmo would like to show you ALL how elmo goes to sleep every night!

this is elmo's friend, (who also is a good friend of colin), who sings elmo to sleep every every night.

okay, elmo is lying. it was only one night.

okay elmo is still lying. that's elmo's more famous cousin there.

but mr. bocelli is really colin's friend. actually i think he's colin's understudy. (hehe...)

elmo was told to say that.

elmo was told NOT to say what he just said. oops.

anyway, elmo is watching the US open on TV now. Elmo has to watch it cos elmo's eyes are soo wide open and elmo can't go to sleep like elmo's cousin can in the video up there..

elmo thinks roger federer is going to win. elmo thinks rafael nadal is scary. elmo wishes elmo can close his eyes to prevent himself from seeing the big-butt scratching neandanadal. unfortunately, elmo doesnt have any eyelids so elmo can't do that.

elmo wishes one day he'll be as clever as teddy, then he can go sue his manufacturer for all they got.

okay time to say goodnight. goodnight everybody!!! =) elmo wants to sleep.